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Current list of publications
available electronically (incomplete)
377 |
S.M. Gruner, G. Carini, A. Miceli. Considerations about future hard x-ray area detectors. Frontiers in Physics 11 (2023) 1285821. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2023.1285821 |
376 |
Z. Wang, A.F.T. Leong, A. Dragone, A.E. Gleason, R. Ballabriga, C. Campbell, M. Campbell, S.J. Clark, C. Da Via, D.M., Dattelbaum, M. Demarteau, L. Fabris, K. Fezzaa, E.R. Fossum, S.M. Gruner, T.C. Hufnagel, X. Ju, K. Li, X. Llopart, B. Lukic, A. Rack, J. Strehlow, A.C. Therrien, J. Thom-Levy, F. Wang, T. Xiao, M. Xu, X. Yue. Ultrafast radiographic imaging and tracking: An overview of instruments, methods, data, and applications. Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research A, 1057 (2023) 168690. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2023.168690 |
375 |
K.X. Nguyen, Y. Jiang, M.C. Cao, P. Purohit, A.K. Yadav, P. Garcia-Fernandez, M.W. Tate, C.S. Chang, P. Aguado-Puente, J. Iniguez, F. Gomez-Ortiz, S.M. Gruner, J. Junquera, L.W. Martin, R. Ramesh, and D.A. Muller. Transferring orbital angular momentum to an electron beam reveals toroidal and Chiral order. Physical Review B, 107 (2023) 205419. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.205419 |
374 |
C.J.R. Duncan, M. Kaemingk, W.H. Li, M.B. Andorf, A.C. Bartnik, A. Galdi, M. Gordon, C.A. Pennington, I.V. Bazarov, H.J. Zeng, F. Liu, D. Luo, A. Sood, A.M. Lindenberg, M.W. Tate, D.A. Muller, J. Thom-Levy, S.M. Gruner, J.M. Maxson. Multi-scale time-resolved electron diffraction: A case study in moire materials. Ultramicros. 253 (2023) 113771. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113771 |
373 |
Z. Han, A. Mukherjee, A. Albert, A.K. Rumaiz, I. Harding, M.W. Tate, S.M. Gruner, J. Thom-Levy, A.J. Kuczewski, D.P. Siddons, G.A. Carini, J. Stavro, S. Léveillé, D. Vasileska, W. Zhao, and A. Goldan. High spatial resolution direct conversion amorphous Selenium X-ray detectors with monolithically integrated CMOS readout. JINST 18 (2023) P04021. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/18/04/P04021 |
372 |
D. Gadkari, K.S. Shanks, H. Hu, H.T. Philipp,
M.W. Tate, J. Thom-Levy, and S.M. Gruner. Characterization
of 128x128 MM-PAD-2.1 ASIC: A Fast Framing Hard X-Ray
Detector with High Dynamic Range. Journal of
Instrumentation, 17 (2022) P03003. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/17/03/P03003 |
371 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Luigi Mele, Maurice Peemen, Pleun Dona, Reinout Hartong, Gerard van Veen, Yu-Tsun Shao, Zhen Chen, Julia Thom-Levy, David A. Muller, Sol M. Gruner. Very-High Dynamic Range, 10,000 frames/second Pixel Array Detector for Electron Microscopy. Microscopy & Microanalysis, 28 (2022), 425-440. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927622000174 |
370 |
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, John T. Weizeorick, Michael Hammer, Mark W. Tate, Hannah Hu, Prafull Purohit, Jonathan D. Baldwin, Antonino Miceli, Julia Thom-Levy, and Sol M. Gruner. Characterization of a Small-Scale Prototype Detector With Wide Dynamic Range for Time-Resolved High-Energy X-Ray Applications. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 68 (2021) 2753-2761. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNS.2021.3121218 |
369 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Luigi Mele, Maurice Peemen, Pleun Dona, Reinout Hartong, Gerard van Veen, Yu-Tsun Shao, Sol M. Gruner, Julia Thom-Levy, and David A. Muller. Wide Dynamic Range, 10 kHz Framing Detector for 4D-STEM. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927621003767 |
368 |
Fei Yu, R. Thedford, Konrad Hedderick, Guillaume Freychet, Mikhail Zhernenkov, Lara Estroff, Katja Nowack, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner. Patternable Mesoporous Thin Film Quantum Materials via Block Copolymer Self-Assembly: An Emergent Technology? ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.1c09085 |
367 |
Peter A. Beaucage, R. Bruce van Dover, Francis J. DiSalvo, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. Superconducting Quantum Metamaterials from Convergence of Soft and Hard Condensed Matter Science. Advanced Materials, 33 (2021) 2006975. http://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202006975 |
366 |
R. Paxton Thedford, P. A. Beaucage, E. M. Susca, C. A. Chao, K. C. Nowack, R. B., Van Dover, S. M. Gruner, U. Wiesner. Superconducting Quantum Metamaterials from High Pressure Melt Infiltration of Metals into Block Copolymer Double Gyroid Derived Ceramic Templates. Adv. Functional. Materials. 31 (2021) 2100469. http://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202100469 |
365 |
K. S. Shanks, H. T. Philipp, M. W. Tate, P. Purohit and S. M. Gruner. Development of a Fast-Framing X-Ray Camera With Wide Dynamic Range for High-Energy Imaging. 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (NSS/MIC), Sydney, Australia, 2018, pp. 1-2. http://doi.org/10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824653 |
364 |
D. Antonio, J.T. Weiss, K.S. Shanks, J.P.C. Ruff, M. Jaime, A. Saul, T. Swinburne, M. Salamon, K. Shrestha, B. Lavina, D. Koury, S.M. Gruner, D.A. Andersson, C.R. Stanek, T. Durakiewicz, J. L. Smith, Z. Islam & K. Gofryk. Piezomagnetic switching and complex phase equilibria in uranium dioxide. Nature Communications Materials. 2:17 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43246-021-00121-6 |
363 |
Durgesh Rai, Richard Gillilan, Qingqiu Huang, Robert Miller, Edmund Ting, Alexander Lazarev, Mark Tate and Sol M. Gruner. High-pressure small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) cell for biological solutions and soft materials. J. Appl. Cryst. 54 (2020) 111-122. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576720014752 |
362 |
D. Gadkari, K.S. Shanks, H.T. Philipp, M.W. Tate, J. Thom-Levy, S.M. Gruner. Characterization of an architecture for front-end pixel binning in an integrating pixel array detector. JINST, 15 (2020) T11002. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/15/11/T11002 |
361 |
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, John T. Weizeorick, Michael Hammer, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Antonino Miceli, Sol M. Gurner. Characterization of a Fast-Framing X-Ray Camera With Wide Dynamic Range for High-Energy Imaging, 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Manchester, United Kingdom 2019, pp. 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059710 |
360 |
H.T. Philipp, M. W. Tate, K. S. Shanks, P. Purohit, S. M. Gruner. High dynamic range CdTe mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) for kilohertz imaging of hard x-rays, JINST, 15 (2020) P06025.https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/15/06/P06025 |
359 |
David A. Muller, Zhen Chen, Yi Jiang, Michal Odstrcil, Yimo Han, Prafull Purohit, Mark W. Tate, Sol M. Gruner, Veit Elser, Phase Imaging beyond the Diffraction Limit with Electron Ptychography. Microsc. Microanal, 25 (Suppl 2) (2019) 6-7. doi: 10.1017/S143192761900076X |
358 |
Marianne Hromalik, Kevin
Burkey, Tyler Burns, Brian LIn, Katherine Shanks, Prafull
Purophit, Hugh Philipps, Mark Taet, Sol Gruner. Low-noise, low-power,
event-driven read-out of counting pixel array detectors.
2019 IEEE 8th Internat. Workshop on Advances in Sensors and
Interfaces (IWASI), Otranto, Italy. 2019. pp 162-167. doi:
10.1109/IWASI.2019.8791417 |
357 |
Ethan Susca, Peter Beaucage, R. Paxton Thedford, Andrej Singer, Sol M. Gruner, Lara Estroff, Ulrich Wiesner. Preparation of Macroscopic Block Copolymer-Based Gyroidal Mesoscale Single Crystals by Solvent Evaporation. Advanced Materials, 31 (2019) 1902565. doi: 10.1002/adma.201902565. |
356 |
K. Giewekemeyer, A. Aquila, N.D. Loh, Y. Chushkin, K.S. Shanks, J. Weiss, M.W. Tate, H.T. Philipp, S. Stern, P. Vagovic, M. Mehrjoo, M. Barthelmess, F. Zontone, C. Chang, Richard C. Tiberio, A. Sakdinawat, G.J. Williams, S.M. Gruner, and A.P. Mancuso. Experimental 3D Coherent Diffractive Imaging from photon-sparse random projections. IUCrJ, 6 (2019) 357-365. doi: 10.1107/S2052252519002781 |
355 |
H.T. Philipp, M.W. Tate, K.S. Shanks, P. Purohit and S.M. Gruner. Practical experience with high-speed x-ray pixel array detectors and x-ray sensing materials. Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A, 925 (2019) 18-23. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.01.066 |
354 |
Jennifer L. Wierman, Olivier Paré-Labrosse, Antoine Sarracini, Jessica Besaw, Michael J. Cook, Saeed Oghbaey, Hazem Daoud, Pedram Mehrabi, Irina Kriksunov, Anling Kuo, David J. Schuller, Scott Smith, Oliver P. Ernst, Doletha M. E. Szebenyi, Sol M. Gruner, R. J. Dwayne Miller, Aaron D. Finke. Fixed-Target Serial Oscillation Crystallography at Room Temperature. IUCrJ 6 (2019) doi: 10.1107/S2052252519001453 |
353 |
K. Chatterjee, A. J. Beaudoin, D. C. Pagan, P. A. Shade, H. T. Philipp, M. W. Tate, S. M. Gruner, P. Kenesei, and J.-S. Park. Intermittent plasticity in individual grains - a study using high energy x-ray diffraction. Structural Dynamics. 6 (2019) 014501. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5068756 |
352 |
Yimo Han, Kayla Nguyen, Michael Cao, Paul Cueva, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Saien Xie, Ming-Yang Li, Lain-Jong Li, Jiwoong Park, Sol M. Gruner and David A. Muller. Mapping Strain and Relaxation in 2D Heterojunctions with Sub-picometer Precision. Microsc. Microanal. 24 (Suppl 1) (2018) 1588-1589. http://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927618008425 |
351 |
Kayla X. Nguyen, Yi Jian, Michael C. Cao, Prafull Purohit, Ajay K. Yadav, Javier Junquera, Mark W. Tate, Sol M. Gruner, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Sayeef Salahuddin, David A. Muller. Mapping Polarity, Toroidal Order, and the Local Energy Landscape by 4D-STEM. Microsc. Microanal. 24 (Suppl 1) (2018) 176-177. http://doi.org/10.1017/S143192761800137X |
350 |
Zhen Chen, Yi Jiang, Yimo Han, Pratiti Deb, Hui Gao, Saien Xie, Prafull Purohit, Mark W. Tate, Jiwoong Park, Sol M. Gruner, Veit Elser, David A Muller. Real-space Demonstration of 0.4 Angstrom Resolution at 80 keV via Electorn Ptychography with a High Dynamic Range Pixel Array Detector. Microsc. Microanal. 24 (suppl 1) (2018) 194-195. http://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927618001460 |
349 |
Heinz Graafsma, Julian
Becker, Sol M. Gruner. Integrating
hybrid area detectors for storage ring and free-electron
laser applications. In Synchrotron Light
Sources and Free-Electron Lasers, 2nd Edition,
E. Jaeschke, S. Khan, J.R. Schneider and J.B. Hastings,
eds., (Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-04507-8_37-2 |
348 |
Kelly Jenkins, Martin J Fossat, Siwen Zhang, Durgesh K Rai, Sean Klein, Richard E Gillilan, Zachary White, Grayson Gerlich, Scott A. McCallum, Roland Winter, Sol M Gruner, Doug Barrick, Catherine A Royer. Cavities in Context: Distinct Positional Consequences of Cavities on the Folding Landscape of a Repeat Protein. PNAS 115 (2018) E8153-E8161 http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1807379115 |
347 |
Ti-Yen Lan, Jennifer L. Wierman, Mark W. Tate, Hugh T. Philipp, Jose M. Martin-Garcia, Lan Zhu, David Kissick, Petra Fromme, Robert F. Fischetti, Wei Liu, Veit Elser and Sol M. Gruner. Solving protein structure from sparse serial microcrystal diffraction data at a storage ring synchrotron source. IUCrJ, 5 (2018) 548-558 https://doi.org/10.1107/S205225251800903X |
346 |
Yi Jiang, Zhen Chen, Yimo
Han, Pratiti Deb, Hui Gao, Saien Xie, Prafull Purohit,
Mark W. Tate, Jiwoong Park, Sol M. Gruner, Veit Elser,
David A. Muller. Electron
ptychography of 2D materials to deep sub-Ångstrom resolution.
Nature, 559
(2018) 343-349. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0298-5 Nature News & Views on paper: Nature 559 (2018) 114-115 |
345 |
Yimo Han, Kayla Nguyen, Michael Cao, Paul Cueva, Saien Xie, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Sol M. Gruner, Jiwoong Park, David A. Muller. Strain Mapping of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures with Sub-Picometer Precision. Nano Letters. 18 (2018) 3746-3751. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b00952 |
344 |
C. J. Hustedt, P. K. Lambert, E. L. Huskins-Retzlaff, D. T. Casem, M. W. Tate, H. T. Philipp, A. R. Woll, P. Purohit, J. T. Weiss, S. M. Gruner, V. Kannan, K.T. Ramesh, and T.C. Hufnagel. In situ time-resolved measurements of extension twinning during dynamic deformation of polycrystalline magnesium. J. of Dynamical Behavior of Materials.44 (2018) 222-230. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40870-018-0152-8. |
343 |
342 |
X Nguyen, Yi Jiang, Michael C. Cao, Prafull Purohit,
Ajay K. Yadav, Javier Junquera, Mark W. Tate,
Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Sol M. Gruner, David A. Muller.
Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) and Torque Transfer
from Polarization Vortices with the Electron
Microscopy Pixel Array Detector. Microscopy and
Microanalysis, 23 (2017)
(Suppl. 1):1634-1635. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1431927617008832 |
341 |
Yimo Han, Saien Xie, Kayla Nguyen, Michael Cao, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Sol M. Gruner, Jiwoong Park, David A. Muller. Picometer-Precision Strain Mapping of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures using an Electron Microscope Pixel Array Detector (EMPAD). Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23 (2017) (Suppl. 1): 1712-1713. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1431927617009229 |
340 |
Michael C. Cao, Yimo Han, Yi Jiang,
Kayla X Nguyen, Prafull Purohit, Mark W. Tate, Sol M
Gruner, Veit Elser, David A. Muller.
Theory and Practice of
Diffractometry on Single Tungsten Atoms using Electron
Microscope Pixel Array Detector. Microscopy and
Microanalysis, 23 (2017)
(Suppl. 1): 444-445. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1431927617002902 |
339 |
K.R. Overdeep, H. Joress, L. Zhou, K.J.T. Liv, S.C. Barron, M.D. Grapes, K.S. Shanks, D.S. Dale, M.W. Tate, H.T. Philipp, S.M. Gruner, T.C. Hufnagel, and T.P. Weihs. Mechanisms of oxide growth during the combustion of Al:Zr nanolaminate foils. Combusition and Flame 102 (2018) 442-452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.11.023 |
338 |
Peter A. Beaucage, Ethan M. Susca, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich B. Wiesner, Discovering synthesis routes to hexagonally ordered mesoporus niobium nitrides using poloxamer/pluronics block copolymers. Chemistry of Materials 29 (2017), 8973-8977. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03834 |
337 |
Chatterjee, A. J. Beaudoin, P. Ko, H. Philipp, J. Becker, P. Purohit, J.T Weiss, S. M. Gruner. Study of residual stresses in Ti-7Al using theory and experiments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 109 (2017) 95-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2017.08.008 |
336 |
Julian Becker, Mark W. Tate,
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, Joel T. Weiss, Prafull
Purohit, Darol Chamberlain, and Sol M. Gruner (2017). Sub-Microsecond X-Ray Imaging
Using Hole-Collecting Schottky type CdTe with
Charge-Integrating Pixel Array Detectors. JINST 12: P06022. https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/06/P06022 . |
335 |
J.P. Liu, J. Kirchhoff, L.
Zhou, M. Zhao, M.D. Grapes, D.S. Dale, M.W. Tate, H.T.
Philipp, S.M. Gruner, T.P. Weihs, and T.C. Hufnagel (2017).
X-ray reflectivity
measurement of interdiffusion in metallic multilayers
during rapid heating. J. Synchrotron Radiation, 24: 796-801. https://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577517008013 |
334 |
Ti-Yen Lan, Jennifer Wierman,
Mark Tate, Hugh Philipp, Veit Elser and Sol Gruner (2017). Reconstructing
Three-dimensional Protein Crystal Intensities from Sparse,
Unoriented Two-axis X-ray Diffraction Patterns. J. Appl. Crystallography, 50:985-993. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576717006537
Erratum: 51 (2018)
230: https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576718000171 |
333 |
Joel T. Weiss, Katherine S.
Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, Julian Becker, Darol
Chamberlain, Prafull Purohit, Mark W. Tate, Sol M.
Gruner (2017). High
Dynamic Range X-ray Detector Pixel Architectures
Utilizing Charge Removal (IEEE Transactions in
Nuclear Science,In Press). Prepublication
version. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNS.2017.2679540. |
332 |
X. Nguyen, Prafull Purohit, Ajay Yadav, Mark W. Tate, Celesta S. Chang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Sol M. Gruner, David A. Muller (2016). Reconstruction of Polarization Vortices by Diffraction Mapping of Ferroelectric PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattice Using a High Dynamic Range Pixelated Detector. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (Suppl. 3): 472-473. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1431927616003214 |
331 |
Kayla X. Nguyen, Prafull Purohit, Robert Hovden, Emrah Turgut, Mark W. Tate, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Gregory D. Fuchs, Sol M. Gruner, David A. Muller (2016). 4D-STEM for Quantitative Imaging of Magnetic Materials with Enhanced Contrast and Resolution. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (Suppl. 3): 1718-1719. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927616009430 |
330 |
Julian Becker, Mark W. Tate,
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, Joel T. Weiss,
Prafull Purohit, Darol Chamberlain, Jacob P. C. Ruff and
Sol M. Gruner (2016).
of CdTe Sensors with Schottky Contacts Coupled to
Charge-Integrating Pixel Array Detectors for X-Ray
Science. JINST 11: P12013. Preprint:
329 |
David A. Muller, Kayla X. Nguyen, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Celesta Chang, Michael Cao and Sol M. Gruner (2016). An Electron Microscope Pixel Array Detector as a Universal STEM Detector. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (Suppl. 3): 478-479. 10.1017/S143192761600324X |
328 |
David A. Muller, Yimo Han, Kayla X. Nguyen, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Saien Xie, Jiwoong Park and Sol M. Gruner (2016). Electron Diffraction from a Single Atom and Optimal Signal Detection. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (Suppl. 3): 846-847. 10.1017/S1431927616005079 |
327 |
Chae Un Kim,
HyoJin Song, Balendu Sankara Avvaru, Sol M. Gruner, Sang
Youn Park and Robert
McKenna (2016).
Tracking solvent and protein
movement during CO2 release in carbonic
anhydrase II crystals. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113:
5257-5262 10.1073/pnas.1520786113 |
326 |
Rui-Qi Song, Tobias N. Hoheisel, Hiroaki Sai, Zihui Li, Joseph D. Carloni, Suntao Wang, Randall E. Youngman, Shefford P. Baker, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner, and Lara A. Estroff (2016). Formation of Periodically-Ordered Calcium Phosphate Nanostructures by Block Copolymer-Directed Self-Assembly. Chem. Mater. 28: 838-847. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b04266 |
325 |
Yao Sun, Hiroaki Sai,
Katherine A. Spoth, Kwan Wee Tan, Ulrike
Werner-Zwanziger, Josef Zwanziger, Sol M. Gruner, Lena
F. Kourkoutis, and Ulrich Wiesner (2015). Stimuli-responsive shapeshifting mesoporous
silica nanoparticles. Nano Letters.
16: 651-655. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04395 |
324 |
Qingqiu Huang, Sol. M. Gruner, Chae Un Kim, Yuxin Mao, Xiaochun Wu, and Doletha M. E. Szebenyi. Reduction of lattice disorder in protein crystals by high pressure cryocooling (2016). J. Appl. Crystallography. 49:149-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600576715023195 |
323 |
Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Darol Chamberlain, Kayla X. Nguyen, Robert M. Hovden, Celesta S. Chang, Pratiti Deb, Emrah Turgut, John T. Heron, Darrell G. Schlom, Daniel C. Ralph, Gregory D. Fuchs, Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, David A. Muller & Sol M. Gruner (2016). High dynamic range pixel array detector for scanning transmission electron microscopy. Microscopy & Microanalysis. 22: 237-249doi:10.1017/S1431927615015664 |
322 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Prafull Purohit, Katherine S. Shanks, Joel T. Weiss and Sol M. Gruner (2016). High-speed x-ray imaging pixel array detector for synchrotron bunch isolation with frame rates up to 10 MHz. J. Synchrotron Radiation. 23: 395-403. http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577515022754. |
321 |
Spencer W. Robbins, Peter
Beaucage, Hiroaki Sai, Kwan Wee Tan, Jorg G. Werner, James
P. Sethna, Francis J. DiSalvo, Sol M. Gruner, Robert B.
van Dover, Ulrich Wiesner (2016).
Block copolymer self-assembly directed synthesis
of mesoporous gyroid superconductors.Science Advances 21: e1501119.
10.1126/sciadv.1501119. |
320 |
K. X. Nguyen, R. Hovden, M.
W. Tate, P. Purohit, J. Heron, C. Chang, S. M. Gruner, D. A.
Muller (2015). Lorentz-STEM
imaging of Fields and Domains using a High-Speed,
High-Dynamic Range Pixel Array Detector at Atomic
Resolution. Microscopy
& Microanalysis 21: 2309-2310 (Suppl. 3), Paper No. 1153. (link). |
319 |
Jennifer Wierman, Ti-Yen Lan,
Mark Tate, Hugh Philipp, Veit Elser and Sol Gruner (2016). Protein Crystal Structure from
Non-oriented, Single-axis Sparse X-ray Data. IUCrJ 3:43-50 (link). |
318 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W.
Tate, Prafull Purohit, Darol Chamberlain, Katherine S.
Shanks, Joel T. Weiss and Sol M. Gruner. High-Speed X-ray Imaging with
the Keck Pixel Array Detector (Keck PAD) for Time-Resolved
Experiments at Synchrotron Sources (2016). AIP Conference Proceedings
1741: 040036.
(pre-pub). |
317 |
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T.
Philipp, Joel T. Weiss, Julian Becker, Mark W. Tate and Sol
M. Gruner. The High
Dynamic Range Pixel Array Detector (HDR-PAD): Concept and
Design (2016). AIP
Conference Proceedings 1741: 040009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952881.
(pre-pub). |
316 |
Chae Un Kim, Mark W. Tate,
and Sol M. Gruner. Glass-to-cryogenic
liquid transitions in water solutions examined by
crack-healing (2015). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112:11765-11770. (link).
(pdf). |
315 |
Julian Becker, Mark W. Tate,
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, Joel T. Weiss, Prafull
Purohit, Darol Chamberlain and Sol M. Gruner. High-Speed Imaging at High
X-ray Energy: CdTe Sensors Coupled to Charge-Integrating
Pixel Array Detectors (2016). AIP Conference
Proceedings 1741: 040037. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952909.
(pre-pub). |
314 |
Joel T. Weiss, Julian Becker,
Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate and Sol
M. Gruner. Potential
Beneficial Effects of Electron-Hole Plasmas Created in
Silicon Sensors by XFEL-Like High Intensity Pulses for
Detector Development (2016). AIP Conference
Proceedings 1741: 040038. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4952910.
(pre-pub). |
313 |
Kwan Wee Tan, Hiroaki Sai,
Spencer W. Robbins, Jörg G. Werner, Tobias N. Hoheisel,
Sarah A. Hesse, Peter A. Beaucage, Francis J. DiSalvo, Sol
M. Gruner, Martin Murtagh, Ulrich Wiesner. Ordered Mesoporous
Crystalline Aluminas from Self‑Assembly of ABC Triblock
Terpolymer–Butanol–Alumina Sols. RSC Advances 5 (2015) 49287-49294.(pdf) (link) |
312 |
Morgan Stefik, Juho Song,
Hiroaki Sai, Stefan Guldin, Patrick Boldrighini, M.
Christopher Orilall, Ullrich Steiner, Sol M. Gruner,
Ulrich Wiesner. Ordered
mesoporous titania from highly amphiphilic block
copolymers: tuned solution conditions enable highly
ordered morphologies and ultra-large mesopores. J. Materials
Chemistry A 3 (2015) 11478-11492.(pdf) (link) |
311 |
Heinz Graafsma, Julian Becker, Sol M. Gruner. Integrating hybrid area detectors for storage ring and free-electron laser applications. In Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers, E. Jaeschke, S. Khan, J.R. Schneider and J.B. Hastings, eds., (Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2015) (Book link).(link). |
310 |
Sol M. Gruner. Expanding the femtosecond
crystallographic toolkit (Invited commentary). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
111 (2014) 16986-16987 (pdf)
(link) |
309 |
Sol M. Gruner & Eaton E. Lattman. Biostructural Science Inspired by Next Generation X-ray Sources. Annual Rev. Biophysics 44 (2015) 33-51. (link) |
308 |
Kartik Ayyer, Hugh T.
Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Jennifer L. Wierman, Veit Elser and
Sol M. Gruner. Determination
of crystallographic intensities from sparse data. IUCrJ 2 (2015) 29-34. (pdf) (link)
. Serial crystallography
for the masses? Commentary on paper by J.P.
Wright (link). |
307 |
Enju Lima, Yuriy Chushkin, Peter Van Der Linden, Federico Zontone, Philippe Carpentier, Petra Pernot, Chae Un Kim, and Sol M. Gruner. Cryo x-ray diffraction microscopy utilizing high-pressure cryopreservation. Phys. Rev. E, 90 (2014) 042713. (pdf) (link) |
306 |
Alper Ercan, Mark W. Tate,
Sol M. Gruner. A high
frame rate x-ray image sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal 15
(2015) 1523-1531. (link). |
305 |
Spencer W. Robbins, Hiroaki
Sai, Francis J. DiSalvo, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner. Monolithic Gyroidal
Mesoporous Mixed Titanium-Niobium Nitrides. ACS Nano. 8 (2014) 8217-8223. (link). |
304 |
Michael Heymann, Achini Opthalage, Jennifer L. Wierman, Sathish Akella, Doletha M.E. Szebenyi, Sol M. Gruner & Seth Fraden (2014). Room-temperature serial crystallography using a kinetically optimized microfluidic device for protein crystallization and on-chip X-ray diffraction. IUCrJ 1 (2014)349-360. (pdf), (link). |
303 |
P.K. Lambert, C.J. Hustedt,
K.S. Vecchio, E.L. Huskins, D.T. Casem, S.M. Gruner, M.W.
Tate, H.T. Philipp, A.R.
Woll, P. Purohit, J.T. Weiss, V. Kannan, K.T. Ramesh, P.
Kenesei, J.S. Okasinski, J. Almer, M. Zhao, A.G.
Ananiadis, and T.C. Hufnagel. Time-resolved x-ray diffraction techniques for
bulk polycrystalline materials under dynamic loading. Rev. Sci. Instr. 85
(2014) 093901. (link).
(pdf). |
302 |
Klaus Giewekemeyer, Hugh T.
Philipp, Robin N. Wilke, Andrew Aquila, Markus Osterhoff,
Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Sol M. Gruner and
Adrian P. Mancuso.
High Dynamic Range Coherent
Diffractive Imaging: Ptychography using the Mixed-Mode
Pixel Array Detector. J. Synchrotron Radiation. 21 (2014)
1167-1174 (link)
(pdf). |
301 |
Kartik Ayyer, Hugh T.
Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Veit Elser, Sol M. Gruner.
Real-space x-ray tomographic reconstruction of
randomly oriented objects with sparse data frames.
Optics Express.
22 (2014) 2403-2413 (doi:
10.1364/OE.22.002403). |
300 |
Zihui Li, Kahyun Hur, Hiroaki
Sai, Takeshi Higuchi, Atsushi Takahara, Hiroshi Jinnai, Sol
M. Gruner and Ulrich Wiesner. Linking experiment and theory
for three-dimensional networked binary metal
nanoparticle–triblock terpolymer superstructures. Nature Commun. 5 (2014)
3247 (doi:
10.1038/ncomms4247). |
299 |
Zihui Li, Hiroaki Sai, Kwan
Wee Tan, Tobias N. Hoheisel, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich
Nanostructured Ceramic-Metal Composites through
Multifunctional Block Copolymer-Metal Nanoparticle
Self-Assembly. J. Sol-Gel Science &
Technology. Oct. 2013. (doi:
10.1007/s10971-013-3169-4). |
298 |
Angela V. Toms,
Anagha Deshpande, Randall McNally, Youngjee Jeong, Julia
Rogers, Sol M. Gruner, Chae Un Kim, Scott Ficarro,
Jarrod A. Marto, Martin Sattler, James D. Griffin and
Michael J. Eck.
Structure of a pseudokinase
domain switch that controls oncogenic activation of
Jak kinases. Nature
Structure & Molecular Biol. 20 (2013)
1221-1223 (link). |
297 |
G.H. Hoffstaetter et al.,
Readiness for the Cornell
ERL. Proc. of IPAC 2013, paper WEPWO061. (pdf). |
296 |
Jennifer L. Wierman,
Jonathan S. Alden,
Chae Un Kim, Paul L.
McEuen and Sol M.
Graphene as protein crystal
mounting material to reduce background scatter. J. Appl. Cryst. 46
(2013) 1501-1507 (pdf). |
295 |
Hirokai Sai, Kwan Wee Tan,
Kahyun Hur, Emily Asenath-Smith, Robert Hoven, Yi Jiang,
Mark Riccio, David A. Muller, Veit Elser, Lara A. Estroff,
Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner. Hierarchical porous polymer scaffolds from block
copolymers. Science
341 (2013) 530 - 534. (link). |
294 |
H.T. Philipp, K. Ayyer, M.W.
Tate, V. Elser, S.M. Gruner. Recovering structure from many low-information 2-D
images of randomly selected samples. Journal of Physics: Conference
Series. 425 (2013) 192016 (pdf). |
293 |
Katherine S. Green, Marian
Szebenyi, Kasey Boggs, Richard Bredthauer, Mark W. Tate, Sol
M. Gruner. A prototype
direct-detection CCD for protein crystallography.
J. Appl. Crystallography 46 (2013) 1038-1048 (pdf). |
292 |
Suteewong, Hirokai Sai, Robert Hoven, David Muller,
Michelle Bradbury, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner (2013). Multicompartment mesoporous
silica nanoparticles with branched shapes: an epitaxial
growth mechanism. Science 340 (2013) 337-341 (link).
291 |
Robin Baur, Mark W. Tate, Darren S. Dale, Sol M. Gruner. A high-spatial-resolution fiber-optic-coupled CMOS imager with novel scintillator for high-energy x-ray applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 425 (2013) 062012 (pdf) |
290 |
Katherine S. Green, Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Joel T. Weiss, Sol M. Gruner. Calibration and post-processing for photon-integrating pixel array detectors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 425 (2013) 062009 (pdf). |
289 |
M.W. Tate, D. Chamberlain, K.S. Green, H.T. Philipp, P. Purohit, C. Strohman, S.M. Gruner. A medium-format, mixed-mode pixel array detector for kilohertz x-ray imaging. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 425 (2013) 062004 (pdf). |
288 |
Xin Liu, Kyoung-Su Im, Yujie Wang, Jin Wang, Mark W. Tate, Alper Ercan, Dniel R. Schuette, Sol M. Gruner (2007). Ultrafast and quantitative x-tomography and simulation of hollow-cone gasoline direct-injection sprays. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 116 : 85-91. Also DOE Report # ANL/XSD/58353. Also SAE Technical paper 2007-01-1847. DOI: 10.4271/2007-01-1847. |
287 |
Sol M. Gruner. Imaging x-ray detectors
open new vistas. Physics Today. (2012) 65, 29-34.
(pdf). |
286 |
Chae Un Kim, Jennifer L. Wierman, Richard
Gillilan, Enju Lima, Sol M. Gruner. A high-pressure cryocoling
method for protein crystals and biological samples
with reduced background scatter. J. Appl.
Cryst. (2013) 46, 234-241 (pdf). |
285 |
Dayne West, Chae Un Kim, Chingkuang Tu, Jim Gordon, Arthur H. Robbins, Sol M. Gruner, David N. Silverman, Robert McKenna. Structural and kinetic effects on changes in the CO2 binding pocket of human carbonic anhydrase II. Biochemistry (2012) 51, 9156-9163. (link). |
284 |
Marianne S. Hromalik,
Katherine S. Green, Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Sol M.
Pixel Array Detector.
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. A (2012), 701, 7-16. (pdf). |
283 |
Teeraporn Suteewong, Hiroaki Sai, Michelle Bradbury, Lara A. Estroff, Sol M. Gruner and Ulrich Wiesner. Synthesis and Formation Mechanism of Aminated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles. Chem. of Materials (2012) 24, 3895-3905. (link). |
282 |
Sebastien Boutet et al. High-resolution protein structure determination by serial femtosecond cyrstallography. Science (2012), 337, 362-364. (pdf). |
281 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Kartik Ayyer,
Mark W. Tate, Veit Elser, Sol M. Gruner. Solving structure with sparse
randomly-oriented x-ray data. Optics
Express(2012), 20, 13129-13137. (pdf),
(movie 3MB). |
280 |
Eric R. Meshot, Eric A. Verploegen, Mostafa Bedewy, Sameh Tawfick, Arthur A. Woll, Katharine S. Green,. Marianne Hromalik, Lucas J. Koerner, Hugh T. Philipp. Mark W. Tate, Sol M. Gruner, A. John Hart. High-speed in-situ x-ray scattering of carbon film nucleation and self-organization. ACS Nano (2012) 6, 5091-5101 ( link). |
279 |
Suntao Wang, Mark Tate, Sol M. Gruner. Protein crowding impedes pressure-induced unfolding of staphlococcal nuclease. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2012) 1820, 957-961. (link). |
278 |
Suntao Wang, Yu-fei Meng,
Nozomi Ando, Mark Tate, Szczesny Krasnicki, Chih-shiue
Yan, Qi Liang, Joseph Lai, Ho-kwang Mao, Sol M. Gruner
and Russell J. Hemley.
CVD diamonds as small-angle X-ray scattering windows for
high pressure research. J. Appl.
Cryst. (2012) 45, 453-457. (pdf). (Supplement1), (Supplement2). |
277 |
276 |
Morgan Stefik, Suntao Wang,
Robert Hovden, Hiroaki Sai, Mark Tate, David Muller,
Ullrich Steiner, Sol Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner.
and chiral nanocomposites from ABC triblock terpolymer
coassembly with transition metal oxide nanoparticles. J.
Materials Chem. (2012) 22, 1078-1087. (link) |
275 |
Chae Un Kim, Mark W. Tate,
and Sol M. Gruner.
Dynamical Transition at 110 K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
(2011) 108, 20897-20901. (pdf). |
274 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Mark
W.Tate, Sol M. Gruner. Low-flux
measurments with Cornell's LCLS integrating pixel array
detector. JINST (2011) 6, C11006. (link). |
273 |
Marcus D. Collins, Chae Un
Kim, Sol M. Gruner. High-pressure
protein crystallography and NMR to explore protein
conformations. Annu. Rev. Biophysics. (2011) 40,
81-98 + Erratum (pdf). |
272 |
Stephen T. Kelly, Jonathan C. Trenkle, Lucas J.
Koerner, Sara C. Barron, Noel Walker, Philippe O.
Pouliquen, Mark W. Tate, Sol M. Gruner, Eric M.
Dufresne, Timothy P. Weihs and Todd C. Hufnage.
Fast x-ray microdiffraction
techniques for studying irreversible transformations in
materials. J.
Synchrotron Radiation (2011) 18, 464-474. (pdf). |
271 |
Ulrich Englich, Irina
Kriksunov, Richard A. Cerione, Michael J. Cook, Richard
Gillilan, Sol M. Gruner, Quingqui Huang, Chae Un Kim,
William Miller, Soren Nielsen, David Schuller, Scott Smith,
Doletha M.E. Szebenyi. Microcrystallography,
high-pressure cryocooling and BioSAXS at MacCHESS.
J. Synchrotron Radiation (2010) 18, 70-73. (pdf). |
270 |
Donald H. Bilderback, Georg Hoffstaetter, Sol M. Gruner. R&D toward an Energy Recovery Linac at Synchrotron Light Source. Synchrotron Radiation news. (2010) 23, 32-41. (pdf). |
269 |
Morgan Stefik, Surbhi
Mahajan, Hiroaki Sai, Thomas H. Epps III, Frank S. Bates,
Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner. Networked nanocomposites derived from block
copolymers. Abstr. of Papers of the ACS, Aug 2010,
San Francisco, CA. PSME Preprints. (2010). (pdf). |
268 |
Ernest Fontes, Donald H.
Bilderback, Sol M. Gruner. Status
of CHESS facility and research programs: 2010.
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys Res. A. (2011) 649, 3-5. (pdf). |
267 |
Hugh T. Philipp, Marianne
Hromalik, Mark Tate, Lucas Koerner, Sol M. Gruner. Pixel array detector for x-ray
free electron laser experiments. Nucl. Instr. Meth.
Phys Res. A. (2011) 649, 67-69. (pdf). |
266 |
Teeraporn Suteewong, Hiroaki
Sai, Roy Cohen, Suntao Wang, Michelle Bradbury, Barbara
Baird, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner. Highly aminated mesoporous
silica nanoparticles with cubic pore structure. J
Amer. Chem. Soc. (2011) 133, 172-175 (link
to paper), . |
265 |
Lucas J. Koerner, Richard E.
Gillilan, Katharine S. Green, Sunato Wang, Sol M. Gruner. Small angle solution scattering
using the mixed-mode pixel array detector. J.
Synchrotron Radiation. (2011) 18, 148-156 (.pdf 597k). |
264 |
Lucas J. Koerner, Sol M. Gruner. X-ray analog pixel array detectors for single bunch time-resolved imaging. J. Synchrotron Radiation. (2011) 18, 157 - 164. (.pdf 803k). |
263 |
F. Loehl, I. Bazarov, S.
Belomestnykh, M. Billing, E. Chojnacki, Z. Conway, J.
Dobbins, B. Dunham, R. Ehrlich, M. Forster, S.M. Gruner, C.
Gulliford, G. Hoffstaetter, V. Kostroun, M. Liepe, Y. Li, X.
Liu, H. Padamsee, D. Rice, V. Shemelin, E. Smith, K.
Smolenski, M. Tigner, V. Veshcherevich, Z. Zhao. High current and high
brightness electron sources. Proc. IPAC'10 (Kyoto,
Japan, 23-28 May, 2010). (pdf 4.5
MB). |
262 |
Teeaporn Suteewong, Hiroaki
Sai, Jinwoo Lee, Michelle Bradbury, Taeghwan Hyeon, Sol M.
Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner. Ordered
mesoporous silica nanoparticles with and without embedded
iron oxide nanoparticles: structure evolution during
synthesis. J. Materials Chem. (2010) 20, 7807-7814.
(.pdf 600k). |
261 |
J.C. Trenkle, L.J. Koerner,
M.W. Tate, Noel Walker, S.M. Gruner, T.P. Weihs, T.C.
Hufnagel. Time-reolved
x-ray microdiffraction studies of phase transformations
during rapidly propagating reactions in Al/Ni and Zr/Ni
multilayer foils. J. Appl. Phys. (2010) 107,113511.
(pdf 526kB). |
260. |
Balendu Sankara Avvaru, Chae
Un Kim, Katharine H. Sippel, Sol M. Gruner, Mavis
Agbandje-McKenna, David N. Silverman, Robert McKenna. A short, strong hydrogen bond
in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II.
Biochem. (2009) 49,249-251. (pdf 2.2 MB). |
259. |
Donald H. Bilderback, Joel D.
Brock, Darren S. Dale, Kenneth D. Finkelstein, Mark A.
Pfeifer, Sol M. Gruner. Energy
Recovery Linac (ERL) hard X-ray Sources. New J.
Physics (2010) 12, 035011. (.pdf
2.4MB). |
258. |
Sol M. Gruner, Synchrotron area detectors,
present and future. Plenary paper presented at
Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2009, Melbourne,
Australia. AIP Conf. Proceedings. (2010) 1234, 69-72. (.pdf 225k). |
257. |
Morgan Stefik, Hiroaki Sai,
Kenneth Sauer, Sol M. Gruner, Francis J. DiSalvo, Ulrich
Wiesner. Three-Component
Porous-Carbon-Titania nanocomposites through Self-Assembly
of ABCBA Terpolymers with Titania Sols.
Macromol. (2009) 42,6682-6687. (pdf 1.9MB). |
256. |
Zihui Li, Hiroaki Sai, Scott
C. Warren, Marleen Kamperman, Hitesh Arora, Sol M. Gruner,
Ulrich Wiesner. Metal
Nanoparticle- Block Copolymer Composite Assembly and
Disassembly. Chem. Materials (2009) DOI:
10.1021/cm9020673. (pdf 1.8MB). |
255. |
Benjamin C. Garcia, Marleen
Kamperman, Ralph Ulrich, Anurag Jain, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich
Wiesner. Morphology
Diagram of Diblock Coplymer-Aluminosilicate Naoparticle
System. Chem Materials (2009) 21, 5397-5405. (pdf 3.8MB). |
254. |
Rahul S. Deshpande, Stefanie
L. Sharp-Goldman, Jennifer L. Willson, Andrew B. Bocarsly,
Joachim Gross, Adam C. Finnefrock, Sol M. Gruner. Morphology and Gas Adsoprption
Properties of Palladium-Cobalt Based Cyanogels.
Chem. Materials (2003) 15, 4239-4246. (.pdf 184 KB). |
253. |
Brian Rodricks, Boyd Fowler,
Chiao Liu, Lohn Lowes, Lucas J. Koerner, Mark W. Tate, and
Sol M. Gruner. A
Quantum-Limited CMOS-Sensor-Based High-Speed Imaging
System for Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering. Proc.
SPIE (2009) 7449, 7449Y pp 1-11. (5.4 MB). |
252. |
Morgan Stefik, Surbhi
Mahajan, Hiroaki Sai, Thomas H. Epps, Frank S. Bates, Sol M.
Gruner, Francis J. Di Salvo, Ulrich Wiesner. Ordered Three- and Five-ply
Nanocomposites from ABC Block Terpolymer Microphase
Separation with Niobia and Aluminosilicate Sols.
Chem Materials (2009) 21, 5466-5473. (pdf 2.3MB). |
251. |
J. A. Crittenden,
I.V.Bazarov, S.A. Belomestnykh, D.H. Bilderback, M.G.
Billing, J.D. Brock, E.P. Chojnacki, B.M. Dunham, M.P.
Ehrlichman, M.J. Forster, S.M. Gruner, G.H. Hoffstaetter,
C.J. Johnstonez, Y. Li, M.Liepe, C.E. Mayes, A.A.
Mikhailichenko, H.S. Padamsee, S.B Peck, D.C. Sagan, V.D.
Shemelin, A. Temnykh, M. Tigner, V. Veshcherevich. Developments for Cornell’s
x-ray ERL. Paper MO4PBC03 presented at the
Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC09), Vancouver, Canada,
May 4-8, 2009. (2.1 MB). |
250. |
Lucas J. Koerner, Mark W.
Tate, and Sol M. Gruner.
An accumulating pixel array detector for single-bunch
synchrotron experiments. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
(2009) 56, 2835-2842. (.pdf 630
kB). |
249. |
Buz Barstow, Nozomi Ando,
Chae Un Kim, and Sol M. Gruner. Coupling of Pressure-Induced Structural Shifts to
Spectral Changes in Yellow Fluorescent Protein.
Biophys. J. (2009) 97, 1719-1727. (.pdf
5.7 MB). |
248. |
Marleen Kamperman, Andrew Burns, Robert, Weissgraeber, Niels van Vegten, Scott Warren, Sol Gruner, Alfons Baiker, and Ulrich Wiesner. Integrating structure control over multiple length scales in porous high temperature ceramics with functional platinum nanoparticles. Nano Letters (2009) 9, 2756-2762. (.pdf 3.2MB). |
247. |
Yi-Fan Chen, Mark W. Tate,
and Sol M. Gruner. Facilitating
protein crystal cryoprotection in thick-walled plastic
capillaries by high-pressure cryocooling. J. Appl.
Cryst. (2009) 42, 525-530 (.pdf 721
kb). |
246. |
Hugh T. Philipp, Lucas J.
Koerner, Marianne S. Hromalik, Mark W. Tate, and Sol M.
Gruner. Femtosecond
radiation experiment detector for x-ray free-electron
laser (XFEL) coherent x-ray imaging. IEEE Nucl.
Sci. Symposium Record (2008 Nucl. Sci. Symposium, talk
N14-5, Dresen, Germany, 19 - 25 Oct., 2008; DOI
10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4774709) (.pdf
3.2 MB ). Also, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. (2010). 57,
3795-3799. (pdf 1.2MB). |
245. |
Chae Un Kim, Buz Barstow,
Mark W. Tate, and Sol M. Gruner. Evidence for liquid water during the high-density
to low-density amorphous ice transition. PNAS
(2009), 106, 4596-4600 (.pdf 1.7 MB )
244. |
Kyoung-Su Im, Seoung-Kyun
Cheong, X. Liu, Jin Wang, M.-C. Lai, Mark W. Tate, Alper
Ercan, Matt J. Renzi, Daniel R. Schuette, and Sol M. Gruner.
Interaction between
supersonic disintegrating liquid jets and their shock
waves. Phys. Rev.Lett. (2009) 102, 074501-1 to -4
(.pdf 1.4 MB). Supplementary
materials: (Readme .pdf
11kb, Text .pdf
129kb, Data .avi 4.1MB, simulation .avi 3MB). |
243 |
L.J. Koerner, H.T. Philipp,
M.S. Hromalik, M.W. Tate, and S.M. Gruner. X-ray tests of a Pixel Array
Detector for coherent x-ray imaging at the Linac Coherent
Light Source. Journal of Instrumentation (2009),
4, paper P03001. (.pdf 166k) |
242. |
T. Caswell, P. Ercius, M.W.
Tate, A. Ercan, S.M. Gruner, and D.A.Muller. A high speed area detector for
novel imaging techniques in a scanning transmission
electron microscope. Untramicroscopy (2008). (Authors' Version 802 kb). (Journal
version). |
241. |
Xin Liu, Kyoung-Su Im, Yujie
Wang, Jin Wang, Mark W. Tate, Alper Ercan, Daniel R.
Schuette, and Sol M. Gruner. Four dimensional visualization of highly transient
fuel sprays by microsecond quantitative x-ray tomography.
Appl. Phys. Lett. (2009) 94 084101-1 to -3. (.pdf 424 kB), (Suppl .pdf 126kB),
(Suppl .avi 1.9 mB),
(Suppl .mpg 1.7 mB),
link). |
240. |
Nozomi Ando, Buz Barstow, Walter A. Basse, Andrew Fields, Brian W. Matthews, and Sol M. Gruner. Structural and Thermodynamic Characterization of T4 Lysozyme Mutants and the Contribution of Internal Cavities to Pressure Denaturation. Biochem. (2008) 47, 11097-11109. (pdf 2.4 MB) |
239. |
John F. Domsic, Balendu
Sankara Avvaru, Chae Un Kim, Sol M. Gruner, Mavis
Agbandje-McKenna, David N. Silverman, and Robert McKenna. Entrapment of Carbon Dioxide in
the Active Site of Carbonic Anhydrase II. J. Biol.
Chem. (2008) 30766- 30771. (.pdf
729kb) |
238. | Jonathan C. Trenkle, Lucas J. Koerner, Mark W. Tate, Sol
M. Gruner, Timothy P. Weihs, and Todd C. Hufnagel. Phase
transformations during rapid heating of Al/Ni multilayer
foils. Applied Physics Letters (2008), 93, 081903. (.pdf 396 kb) |
237. | G. H. Hoffstaetter, I. V. Bazarov, S. A. Belomestnykh, D.
H. Bilderback, M. G. Billing, G. W. Codner, J. A.
Crittenden, B. M. Dunham, M. P. Ehrlichman, K. D.
Finkelstein, M. J. Forster, S. Greenwald, S. M. Gruner, V.
O. Kostroun, Y. Li, M. U. Liepe, C. E. Mayes, H. S.
Padamsee, S. B. Peck, D. H. Rice, D. C. Sagan, Ch.
Spethmann, A. B. Temnykh, M. Tigner, and Y. Xie. Challenges
for Beams in an ERL Extension to CESR. Proceedings of
EPAC08 (2008), MOPC056. (Genoa, Italy, Jun 23 - 27, 2008.) (.pdf 733 kb) |
236. | Buz Barstow, Nozomi Ando, Chae Un Kim, and Sol M. Gruner.
Alteration of citrine structure by hydrostatic pressure
explains the accompanying spectral shift. PNAS (2008),
105, 13362-13366. (.pdf 753 kb) |
235. | Scott C. Warren, Lauren C. Messina, Liane S. Slaughter,
Marleen Kamperman, Qin Zhou, Sol M. Gruner, Francis J.
DiSalvo, and Ulrich Wiesner. Ordered Mesoporous
Materials from Metal Nanoparticle-Block Copolymer
Self-Assembly. Science (2008), 320, 1748-1752. (pdf 3.8 MB).
Commentaries: (Cornell
Chronicle), (NSF),
News), (Russian
News Agency) |
233. | Gilman E. S. Toombes, Surbhi Mahajan, Malcolm Thomas, Phong Du, Mark W. Tate, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. Hexagonally Patterned Lamellar Morphology in ABC Triblock Copolymer/Aluminosilicate Nanocomposites. Chem. Mater. (2008), 20, 3278-3287. (.pdf 2.0 Mb) |
232. | Gilman E. S. Toombes, Surbhi Mahajan, Matthew Weyland, Anurag Jain, Phong Du, Marleen Kamperman, Sol M. Gruner, David A. Muller, and Ulrich Wiesner. Self-Assembly of Four-Layer Woodpile Structure from Zigzag ABC Copolymer/Aluminosilicate Concertinas. Macromolecules (2008), 41, 852-859. (.pdf 4.5 Mb Supplementary Material: .qt 1.9 Mb) |
231. | Nozomi Ando, Pascale Chenevier, Martin Novak, Mark W. Tate and Sol M. Gruner. High hydrostatic pressure small-angle X-ray scattering cell for protein solution studies featuring diamond windows and disposable sample cells. J. Appl. Cryst. (2008), 41, 167-175. (.pdf 593 kb) |
230. | M. S. Hromalik, H. T. Philipp, L. J. Koerner, M. W. Tate, S. M. Gruner. Data Acquisition and Control for a Pixel Array Detector (PAD) for Single Particle Scattering at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). 2007 IEEE Nucl. Science Symposium Conference Record (2007) NSS '07. IEEE. 3, 1744-1750. (Honolulu, HA, Oct 27 - Nov 3, 2007. Paper NS-25.) (.pdf 909 kb) |
229. | Chae Un Kim, Yi-Fan Chen, Mark W. Tate and Sol M. Gruner. Pressure-induced high-density amorphous ice in protein crystals. J. Appl. Cryst. (2008), 41, 1-7. (.pdf 280 kb) |
228. | Gilman E. S. Toombes, Adam C. Finnefrock, Mark W. Tate, Ralph Ulrich, Ulrich Wiesner, and Sol M. Gruner. A Re-Evaluation of the Morphology of a Bicontinuous Block Copolymer-Ceramic Material. Macromolecules (2007), 40, 8974-8982. (.pdf 545 kb) |
227. | Daniel A. Bernards and George G. Malliaras, Gilman E. S. Toombes and Sol M. Gruner. Gating of an organic transistor through a bilayer lipid membrane with ion channels. Applied Physics Letter (2006), 89, 053505. (.pdf 216 kb) |
226. | W. Vernon, M. Allin, R. Hamlin, T. Hontz, D. Nguyen, F. Augustine, S. M. Gruner, Ng. H. Xuong, D. R. Schuette, M. W. Tate, L. J. Koerner. First results from the 128x128 pixel mixed-mode Si x-ray detector chip. SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference, San Diego, CA, August 26-30, 2007. (.pdf 651 kb) |
225. | Hugh T. Philipp, Lucas J. Koerner, Marianne Hromalik, Mark W. Tate, Sol M. Gruner. Pixel Array Detector for the Capture of Femtosecond Duration X-ray Images. SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference, San Diego, CA, August 26-30, 2007. (.pdf 238 kb) |
224. | G.H. Hoffstaetter, I.V. Bazarov, D.H. Bilderback, J. Codner, B. Dunham, D. Dale, K. Finkelstein, M. Forster, S. Greenwald, S.M. Gruner, Y. Li, M. Liepe, C. Mayes, D. Sagan, C.K. Sinclair, C. Song, A. Temnykh, M. Tigner, Y. Xie. Progress toward an ERL Extension to CESR. PAC07, The 22nd Particle Accelerator Conferencem Albuquerque, NM, June 25-29, 2007. (.pdf 246 kb) |
223. | Byoung-Ki Cho, Anurag Jain, Sol. M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. Nanoparticle-Induced Packing Transition in Mesostructured Block Dendron-Silica Hybrids. Chem. Mater. (2007) 19, 3611-3614. (.pdf 267 kb) |
222. | David A. Mannock , Marcus D. Collins, Manfried Kreichbaum, Paul E. Harper, Sol.M. Gruner, Ronald N. McElhaney. The thermotropic phase behaviour and phase structure of a homologous series of racemic beta-D-galactosyl dialkylglycerols studied by differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (2007) 148, 26-50. (.pdf 1.3 Mb) |
221. | P. Busch, S. Krishnan, M. Paik, G. E. S. Toombes, D.-M. Smilgies, S. M. Gruner, and C. K. Ober. Surface Induced Tilt Propagation in Thin Films of Semifluorinated Liquid Crystalline Side Chain Block Copolymers. Macromolecules (2007), 81-89. (.pdf 450 kb) |
220. | M. D. Collins, M. L. Quillin, G. Hummer, B. W. Matthews and S. M. Gruner. Structural Rigidity of a Large Cavity-containing Protein Revealed by High-pressure Crystallography. J. Mol. Biol. (2007), 367, 752-763. (.pdf 977 kb) |
219. | D. E. Nowak, D. R. Blasini, A. M. Vodnick, B. Blank, M. W. Tate, A. Deyhim, D.-M. Smilgies, H. Abruña, S. M. Gruner, S. P. Baker. Six-circle diffractometer with atmosphere- and temperature-controlled sample stage and area and line detectors for use in the G2 experimental station at CHESS. Rev of Sci Instr (2006) 77, 113301. (.pdf 418 kb) |
218. | D. H. Bilderback, C. Sinclair, S. M. Gruner. The Status of the Energy Recovery Linac Source of Coherent Hard X-rays at Cornell University. Synchrotron Radiation News (2006), 19, 30-35 (.pdf 562 kb) |
217. | Ronald A. Albright, Jose-Luis Vazquez Ibar, Chae Un Kim, Sol M. Gruner, and Joao Henrique Morais-Cabral. The RCK Domain of the KtrAB K+ Transporter: Multiple Conformations of an Octameric Ring. Cell (2006), 126, 1147–1159. (.pdf 1.16 Mb, Supplements: .pdf 310 kb, .mov 1 Mb, .mov 2.5 Mb) |
216. | Sol Gruner, Dennis Mills, and Al Thompson. Detector Workshop Proposes Coordinated Detector Development for Synchrotron Facitilies. Synchrotron Radiation. (2006). 19, 6-8. (.pdf 315 kb) |
215. | Chae Un Kim, Quan Hao and Sol M. Gruner. Solution of protein crystallographic structures by high-pressure cryocooling and noble-gas phasing. Acta Cryst. (2006). D62, 687–694. doi:10.1107/S0907444906014727 (.pdf 613 kb) |
214. | Chae Un Kim, Quan Hao and Sol M. Gruner. High-pressure cryocooling for capillary sample cryoprotection and diffraction phasing at long wavelengths . Acta Cryst. (2007). D63, 653-659. doi:10.1107/S0907444907011924 (.pdf 900 kb) |
213. | A. R. Woll, J. Mass, C. Biscula, R. Huang, D. H. Bilderback, S. M. Gruner, N. Gao. Development of confocal X-ray fluorescence (XRF) microscopy at the Cornell high energy synchrotron source. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2006, 1-4.(.pdf 285 kb) |
212. | Qun Shen, Quan Hao, and Sol M. Gruner. Macromolecular Phasing. Physics Today, March 2006, 59, 46-52 (.pdf 709 kb) |
211. | Alexander Kazimirov, Detlef-M. Smilgies, Qun Shen, Xianghui Xiao, Quan Hao, Ernest Fontes, Donald H. Bilderback, Sol M. Gruner, Yuriy Platonov and Vladimir V. Martynov. Multilayer X-ray optics at CHESS. J. Synchrotron Rad., 13, 2006 204–210. (.pdf 687 kb) |
210. | K.D. Finkelstein, I.V. Bazarov, M. Liepe, Q. Shen, D. Bilderback, S. Gruner, A. Kazimirov. Energy recovery LINAC: A next generation source for inelastic X-ray scattering. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66 (2005) 2310–2312. (.pdf 143 kb) |
209. | Xin Liu, Kyoung-Su Im, Yujie Wang, Jin Wang, David L.S. Hung, James R. Winkelman, Mark W. Tate, Alper Ercan, Lucas J. Koerner, Thomas Caswell, Darol Chamberlain, Daniel R. Schuette, Hugh Philipp, Detlef M. Smilgies, Sol M. Gruner. Quantitative Characterization of Near-Field Fuel Sprays by Multi-Orifice Direct Injection Using Ultrafast X-Tomography Technique. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Paper 2006-01-1041. (.pdf 1.50 kb) |
208. | Ashish Batra, Claude Cohen, Hansoo Kim, Karen I. Winey, Nozomi Ando, Sol M. Gruner. Counterion Effect on the Rheology and Morphology of Tailored Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Ionomers. Macromolecules (2006) 39, 1630-1638. doi:10.1021/ma052275a (.pdf 759 kb) |
207. | Anurag Jain, Lisa M. Hall, Carlos B. W. Garcia, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. Flow-Induced Alignment of Block Copolymer-Sol Nanoparticle Coassemblies toward Oriented Bulk Polymer-Silica Hybrids. Macromolecules 2005, 38, 10095-10100. (.pdf 437 kb) |
206. | Marcus D. Collins, Gerhard Hummer, Michael L. Quillin, Brian W. Matthews, and Sol M. Gruner. Cooperative water filling of a nonpolar protein cavity observed by high-pressure crystallography and simulation. PNAS, 102, 2005, 16668–16671. (.pdf 320 kb) |
205. | A. Ercan, M. W. Tate, and S. M. Gruner. Analog pixel array detectors. J. Synchrotron Rad., 13, 2006, 110–119. (.pdf 1.26 Mb) |
204. | J. A. Lundbæk, P. Birn, S. E. Tape, G. E. S. Toombes, R. Søgaard, Roger E. Koeppe II, S. M. Gruner, A. J. Hansen, and O. S. Andersen. Capsaicin Regulates Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channels by Altering Lipid Bilayer Elasticity. Molecular Pharmocology, 68, 2005, 680-689. (.pdf 520 kb) |
203. | G.H. Hoffstaetter, I.V. Bazarov, S. Belomestnykh, D.H. Bilderback, M.G. Billing, J.S-H. Choi, Z. Greenwald, S.M. Gruner, Y. Li, M. Liepe, H. Padamsee, D. Sagan, C.K. Sinclair, K.W. Smolenski, C. Song, R.M. Talman, M. Tigner. Status of a Plan for an ERL Extension to CESR. Prodeedings PAC05, Knoxville/TN, 2005. (.pdf 254 kb) |
202. | Mark W. Tate, Darol Chamberlain, Sol M. Gruner. Area x-ray detector based on a lens-coupled charge-coupled device. Rev. of Sci. Instr. 76, 2005, 081301. (.pdf 320 kb) |
201. | Ulrich Englich, Alexander Kazimirov, Qun Shen, Don H. Bilderback, Sol M. Gruner and Quan Hao. Crystallographic data collection using a 0.22% bandwidth multilayer. J. Syn. Rad, 12, 2005, 345-348. (.pdf 202 kb) |
200. | Chae Un Kim, Raphael Kapfer and Sol M. Gruner. High-pressure cooling of protein crystals without cryoprotectants. Acta Cryst, D61, 2005, 881–890. (.pdf 863 kb) |
199. | Arthur R. Woll, Donald H. Bilderback, Sol Gruner, Ning Gao, Rong Huang, Christina Bisulca and Jennifer Mass. Confocal X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Microscopy: A New Technique for the Nondestructive Compositional Depth Profiling of Paintings. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 2005, 852, OO2.5. (.pdf 483 kb) |
198. | Byoung-Ki Cho, Anurag Jain, Sol M. Gruner and Ulrich Wiesner. Generation dependent mesophase behavior in extended amphiphilic dendrons in the shape of macromolecular dumbbells. Chem. Comm. 2005, 2005, 2143-2145. (.pdf 182 kb) |
197. | Alla Polozova, Xingong Lia, Tong Shangguana, Paul Meersa, Daniel R. Schuette, Nozomi Ando, Sol M. Gruner, Walter R. Perkins. Formation of homogeneous unilamellar liposomes from an interdigitated matrix. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1668, 2005, 117–125. (.pdf 2.11 Mb) |
196. | A.G. Angello, F. Augustine, A. Ercan, S. Gruner, R. Hamlin, T. Hontz, M. Renzi, D. Schuette, M. Tate, W. Vernon. Development of a mixed-mode pixel array detector for macromolecular crystallography. Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE, 7, 4667 - 4671 (.pdf 1.46 Mb) |
195. | G.H. Hoffstaetter, I.V. Bazarov, D. Bilderback, M. Billing, S. Gruner, M. Liepe, D. Sagan, C. Sinclair, R. Talman, M. Tigner. ERL Upgrade of an Existing X-ray Facility: CHESS at CESR. Proceedings of EPAC 2004, Lucerne, Switzerland, 497-499 (.pdf 1.01 Mb) |
194. | Anne J. McNeil, Gilman E. S. Toombes, Sol M. Gruner, Emil Lobkovsky, David B. Collum, Sithamalli V. Chandramouli, Benoit J. Vanasse, and Timothy A. Ayers. Diastereoselective Alkylation of beta-Amino Esters: Structural and Rate Studies Reveal Alkylations of Hexameric Lithium Enolates. J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 126, 2004, 16559-16568 (.pdf 316 kb) |
193. | Anurag Jain, Gilman E. S. Toombes, Lisa M. Hall, Surbhi Mahajan, Carlos B. W. Garcia,Wolfgang Probst, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. Direct Access to Bicontinuous Skeletal Inorganic Plumber's Nightmare Networks from Block Copolymers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 2005, 1226–1229 305. (.pdf 230 kb) |
192. | B.-K. Cho, A. Jain, S. M. Gruner, U. Wiesner. Mesophase Structure-Mechanical and Ionic Transport Correlations in Extended Amphiphilic Dendrons. SCIENCE 305, 2004, 1598-1601, 1527 (.pdf 191 kb) Review: B. Halford. Chem & Eng. News, 82, 9-10 (.pdf 124 kb) |
191. | X. Liu, J. Lie, X. li, S.-K. Cheong, D. Shu, J. Wang, M. W. Tate, A. Ercan, D. R. Schuette, M. J. Renzi, A. Woll, S. M. Gruner. Development of Ultrafast Computed Tomography of Highly Transient Fuel Sprays. Developments in X-ray Tomography IV, ed. U. Bonse, Proc. of SPIE, 5535, 2004, 21-28. (.pdf 75 kb) |
190. | S. M. Gruner. Book Review: Elements of Synchrotron Light for Biology, Chemistry, and Medical Research (Giorgio Margaritondo). Physics Today, 57, 2004, 83-. (.pdf 235 kb) |
189. | S. M. Gruner. Soft materials and biomaterials under pressure. Putting the squeeze on biology in High-Pressure Crystallography. A. Katrusiak & P. MacMillan eds., High Pressure Crystallography, 2004, 543-556. (.pdf 585 kb) |
188. | Surbhi Mahajan, Sabine Renker, Peter F. W. Simon, Jochen S. Gutmann, Anurag Jain, Sol M. Gruner, Lewis J. Fetters, Geoffrey W. Coates, Ulrich Wiesner. Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(hexyl methacrylate) Copolymers. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 204, 2003, 1047–1055 (.pdf 223 kb) |
187. | Sabine Renker, Surbhi Mahajan, Diane T. Babski, Ingo Schnell, Anurag Jain, Jochen Gutmann, Yuangming Zhang, Sol M. Gruner, Hans W. Spiess, Ulrich Wiesner. Nanostructure and Shape Control in Polymer-Ceramic Hybrids from Poly(ethylene oxide)-block-Poly(hexyl methacrylate) and Aluminosilicates Derived from Them. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 205, 2004, 1021–1030 (.pdf 383 kb) |
186. | Anne J. McNeil, Gilman E. S. Toombes, Sithamalli V. Chandramouli, Benoit J. Vanasse, Timothy A. Ayers, Michael K. O’Brien, Emil Lobkovsky, Sol M. Gruner, John A. Marohn, and David B. Collum. Characterization of beta-Amino Ester Enolates as Hexamers via 6Li NMR Spectroscopy. J. AM. CHEM. SOC., 126, 2004, 5938-5939 (.pdf 1.29 MB) |
185. | P. Abbamonte, K. D. Finkelstein, M. D. Collins, and S.M. Gruner. Imaging Density Disturbances inWater with a 41.3-Attosecond Time Resolution PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 92, 2004, 237401-1-4 (.pdf 426 kb) Physics Focus Link Chem & Eng News Link |
184. | Byoung-Ki Cho, Anurag Jain, Jo1rg Nieberle, Surbhi Mahajan, and Ulrich Wiesner; Sol M. Gruner; Stephan Turk and Hans Joachim Rader. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Dendrimers Based on Aliphatic Polyether-Type Dendritic Cores. Macromolecules, 37, 2004, 4227-4234 (.pdf 151 kb) |
183. | Byoung-Ki Cho, Anurag Jain, Surbhi Mahajan, Hooisweng Ow, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. Nanohybrids from Liquid Crystalline Extended Amphiphilic Dendrimers. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 2004, 4070-4071 (.pdf 132 kb) |
182. | S. M. Gruner. Concepts and Applications of Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs). SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION: Eighth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation. Warwick, T.; Arthur, J.; Padmore, H.A.; Stöhr, J. (Eds.) 2004, 153-156 (.pdf 331 kb) |
181. | Phong Du, Mingqi Li, Katsuji DOuki, Xuefa Li, Carlos B. W. Garcia, Anurag Jain, Detleft-M. Smilgies, Lewis J. Fetters, Sol M. Gruner, Ulrich Wiesner, and Christopher Ober. Additive-Driven Phase-Selective Chemistry in Block Copolymer Thin Films; The Convergence of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches. Advanced Materials, 16, 2004, 953-957 (.pdf 501 kb) |
180. | Donald H. Bilderback, I. V. Bazarov, K. Finkelstein, S. M. Gruner, H. S. Padamsee, C. K. Sinclair, Q. Shen, R. Talman, M. Tigner, G. A. Krafft and L. Merminga. Energy-recovery linac project at Cornell University. J. Synch. Rad.,10, 2003, 346–348 (.pdf 265 kb) |
179. | W. Cai, C. F. Powell, Y. Yue, S. Narayanan, J. Wang, M. W. Tate, M. J. Renzi, A. Ercan, E. Fontes, and S. M. Gruner. Quantitative analysis of highly transient fuel sprays by time-resolved x-radiography. Applied Physics Letters, 83, 2003, 1671-1673 (.pdf 824 kb) Supplementary materials: (.doc 148 kb) (.doc 246 kb) (.avi 5590 kb) (.avi 1751 kb) |
178. | Adam C. Finnefrock, Ralph Ulrich, Gilman E. S. Toombes, Sol M. Gruner, and Ulrich Wiesner. The Plumber’s Nightmare: A New Morphology in Block Copolymer-Ceramic Nanocomposites and Mesoporous Aluminosilicates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 2003, 13084-13093 (.pdf 1243 kb) |
177. | Q. Shen, D. H. Bilderback, K. D. Finkelstein, I. V. Bazarov and S. M. Gruner. Coherent X-ray imaging and microscopy opportunities with a diffraction-limited Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) synchrotron source. J. Phys. IV France 104, 2003, 21-26. (.pdf 518 kb) |
176. | Sol M. Gruner, Donald H. Bilderback. Energy recovery linacs as synchrotron light sources.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 500, 2003, 25–32. (.pdf 401 kb) |
175. | S.Gruner. Cornell Arts & Sciences Newsletter.Cornell Arts & Sciences Newsletter, 24, 2003, 1-2. (.pdf 423 kb) |
174. | G.H. Hoffstaetter, B. Barstow, I.V. Bazarov, S. Belomestnykh, D. Bilderback, S. Gruner, M. Liepe, H. Padamsee, D. Sagan, V. Shemelin, C. Sinclair, R. Talman, M. Tigner, V. Veshcherevich, G.A. Krafft, L. Merminga. The Cornell ERL Prototype Project.Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, 12-16 May, 2003. Vol. 1, 192-194. (.pdf 134 kb) |
173. | D. Bilderback, S.Gruner,and R. Gillilan. CHESS 2002 Users’ Meeting. SYNCHROTRON RADIATION NEWS,15, 2002, 2-6. (.pdf 1.86 Mb) |
172. | I. Bazarov, S. Belomestnykh, D. Bilderback, S. Gray, S. Gruner, Y. Li, M. Liepe, H. Padamsee, V. Shemelin, C. Sinclair, R. Talman, M. Tigner, J. Welch,G. Krafft, L. Merminga. PHASE I ENERGY RECOVERY LINAC AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Proceedings of EPAC 2002, 644-646. (.pdf 112 kb) |
171. | Sol M. Gruner. MEMBRANE FUSION: Caught in the Act. Science, 297, 2002, 1817-1818. (.pdf 98.1 kb) |
170. | A. Zirkel, S. M. Gruner, V. Urban, P. Thiyagarajan. Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Investigation of the Q-Dependence of the Flory-Huggins Interaction Parameter in a Binary Polymer Blend. Macromolecules 35, 2002, 7375-7386 (.pdf 176 Kb) |
169. | Sol M. Gruner, Mark W. Tate, Eric F. Eikenberry. Charge-coupled device area x-ray detectors. Rev Scientific Instruments, 73, 2002, 2815-2842 (.pdf 1072 Kb) |
168. | A. Jain, J. S. Gutmann, C. B.W. Garcia, Y. Zhang, M. W. Tate, S. M. Gruner & U. Wiesner. Effect of Filler Dimentionality of the Order Disorder Transition of a Model Block Copolymer Nanocomposite. Macromolecules, 35, 2002, 4862-4865. (.pdf 112 Kb) |
167. | I. Bazarov, S. Belomestnykh, D. Bilderback, K. Finkelstein, E. Fontes, S. Gray, S.M. Gruner, H. Padamsee, R. Helmke, Q. Shen, J. Rogers, R. Talman, M. Tigner, G. Krafft, L. Merminga & C. Sinclair (2001). Cornell/Jefferson Lab ERL Project. ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter No. 26, published by the International Committee for Future Accelerators, sponsored by the Particles and Fields Commission of IUPAP, 2001, 15-21. (.pdf 545 Kb) |
166. | Sol M. Gruner, Donald H. Bilderback. Energy Recovery Linacs as Synchrotron Light Sources. SLAC Beamline, 32, 2002, 22-31 (.pdf 11121 Kb) |
165. | R. Russell, I.S. Millett, M.W. Tate, L.W. Kwok, B. Nakatani, S.M. Gruner, S.G.J. Mochrie, V. Pande, S. Doniach, D. Herschlag & L. Pollack. Rapid compaction during RNA folding. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 2002, 4266-4271. (.pdf 305 Kb) |
164. | Gilman E.S. Toombes, Adam C. Finnefrock, Mark W. Tate, and Sol M. Gruner, Determination of Lα-HII Phase Transition Temperature for 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphatidylethanolamine, Biophys. J., 62, 2002, 2504-2510. (.pdf 464Kb) |
163. | Paul Urayama, George N. Phillips, Jr., S.M. Gruner, Probing Substates in Sperm Whale Myoglobin Using High-Pressure Crystallography, Structure,10, 2002, 51-60. (.pdf 359Kb) |
162. | P.E. Harper, D.A. Mannock, R.N.A.H. Lewis, R.N. McElhaney, S.M. Gruner, X-Ray Diffraction Structures of some Phosphatidylethanolamine Lamellar and Inverted Hexagonal Phases, Biophys. J., 81, 2001, 2693-2706. (.pdf 737Kb) |
161. | M.J. Renzi, M.W. Tate, A. Ercan, S.M. Gruner, E. Fontes, C.F. Powell, A.G. MacPhee, S. Narayanan, J. Wang, Y. Yue and R Cuenca, Pixel array detectors for time resolved radiography (invited), Review of Scientific Instruments, 73, 2002, 1621-1624 (.pdf 432Kb) |
160. | S.M. Gruner, D. Bilderback, I. Bazarov, K. Finkelstein, G. Krafft, L. Merminga, H. Padamsee, Q. Shen, C. Sinclair, M. Tigner, Energy Recovery Linacs as synchrotron radiation sources(invited), Review of Scientific Instruments, 73, 2002, 1402-1406 (.pdf 97Kb) |
159. | Q. Shen, K.D. Finkelstein, K.W. Smolenski, D.H. Bilderback, E. Fontes, I.V. Bazarov, S.M. Gruner, Present and Future Optics Challenges at CHESS and for Proposed Energy Recovery Linac Source of Synchrotron Radiation , Paper to be presented at the SPIE's 46th Annual Meeting, July 29 - August 3 2001, San Diego, CA, to be published in Proc. Soc. Photo-opt. Instrum. Eng., 4501, 2001, 14-23. (.pdf 1317Kb) |
158. | I.V. Bazarov, D.H. Bilderback, S.M. Gruner, H.S. Padamsee, R. Talman, M. Tigner, G.A. Kraft, L. Merminga, C.K. Sinclair, The Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) as a Driver for X-ray Producing Insertion Devices, presented at the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference. (.pdf 39Kb) |
157. | L. Pollack, M.W. Tate, A.C. Finnefrock, C. Kalidas, S. Trotter, N.C. Darnton, L. Lurio, R.H. Austin, C.A. Batt, S.M. Gruner & S.G.J. Mochrie. Time resolved collapse of a folding protein observed with small angle x-ray scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2001, 4962-4965. (.pdf 102Kb) |
156. | D. Bilderback, I. Bazarov, K. Finkelstein, S.M. Gruner, G. Krafft, L. Merminga, H. Padamsee, Q. Shen, C. Sinclair, M. Tigner. New energy recovery linac source of synchrotron x-rays. Synchrotron Rad. News, 14, 2001,: 4-13. (.pdf 746Kb) |
155. | A.C. Finnefrock, R. Ulrich, A.D. Chesne, C.C. Honecker, K. Schumacher, K.K. Unger, S.M. Gruner, U. Wiesner (2001). Metal-containing mesoporous silica with bicontinuous plumber’s nightmare morphology from a block copolymer-hybrid mesophase. Angewandte Chemie, 40,: 1208-1211. (.pdf 1129Kb) |
154. | D.A. Mannock, P.E. Harper, S.M. Gruner & R.N. McElhaney (2001). The physical properties of glycosyl diacylglycerols. Calorimetric, x-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy studies of a homolgous series of 1,2-di-O-acyl-3-O-(β-D-galactopyranosyl)-sn-glycerols . Chem. Phys. Lipids 111, 2001, 139-161. (.pdf 413Kb) |
153. | Andrew G. MacPhee, Mark W. Tate, Christopher F. Powell, Yong Yue, Matthew J. Renzi, Alper Ercan, Suresh Narayanan, Ernest Fontes, Jochen Walther, Johannes Schaller, Sol M. Gruner, Jin Wang. X-ray Imaging of Shock Waves Generated by High-Pressure Fuel Spray . Science, 295, 2002, 1261-1263. (.pdf 1068Kb) (Movie: .mov 1618Kb) |
152. | P.J. Sellin, G. Rossi, M.J. Renzi, A.P. Knights, E.F. Eikenberry, M.W. Tate, S.L. Barna, R.L. Wixted & S.M. Gruner. Performance of semi-insulated gallium arsenide x-ray pixel detectors with current-integrating readout. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 460, 2000 207-212. (.pdf 246Kb) |
151. | C.C. Honeker, E.L. Thomas, R.J. Albalak. D.A. Hajduk, S.M. Gruner & M.C. Capel. Perpendicular deformation of a near-single crystal triblock copolymer with a cylindrical morphology. Part I: synchrotron SAXS. Macromolecules 33, 2000, 9395-9406. (.pdf 322Kb) |
150. | P.E. Harper, S.M. Gruner, R.N.A.H. Lewis & R.N. McElhaney. Electron density modeling and reconstruction of infinite periodic minimal surfaces (IPMS) based phases in lipid-water systems. II. Reconstruction of D-surface based phases. Eur. Phys. J. E. 2, 2000, 229-245. (.pdf 371Kb) |
149. | P.E. Harper & S.M. Gruner. Electron density modeling and reconstruction of infinite periodic minimal surfaces (IPMS) based phases in lipid-water systems. I. Modeling IPMS based phases. Eur. Phys. J. E. 2, 2000, 217-228. (.pdf 419Kb) |
148. | G. Rossi, M. Renzi, E.F. Eikenberry, M.W. Tate, D. Bilderback, E. Fontes, R. Wixted, S. Barna, S.M. Gruner. Development of a pixel array detector for time resolved x-ray imaging. Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation: Eleventh US National Conference, Stanford, CA 13-15 October, 1999. (P. Pianetta, J. Arthur & S. Brennan, eds., Amer. Inst. Phys., AIP Conf. Proceed, Melville, NY 2000) (.pdf 69Kb) |
147. | S.M. Gruner. Synchrotron radiation and detectors: synergists in a dance. Trans. Amer. Cryst. Assoc. 34, 2000, 11-25. (.pdf 914Kb) |
146. | M. Tate, E. Eikenberry, S.M. Gruner "CCD detectors". In International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F, pp 148-153, M. Rossmann & E. Arnold, eds. (International Union of Crystallography, by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001). (.pdf 581Kb) |
145. | S.M. Gruner, E. Eikenberry, M. Tate. "Comparison of X-ray detectors". In International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F, pp 143-147, M. Rossmann & E. Arnold, eds. (International Union of Crystallography, by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001). (.pdf 604Kb) |
144. | K.M. McGrath, D.M. Dabbs, N. Yao, K.J. Edler, I.A. Aksay, S.M. Gruner. Silica gels with tunable nanopores through templating of the L3 phase. Langmuir,16, 2000, : 398-406. (.pdf 401Kb) |
143. | J.A. Shepherd & S.M. Gruner (1999). Letter to Editor. Comment on "A Monte Carlo study of x-ray fluorescence in x-ray detectors" [Med. Phys. 26, 905-916 (1999)]. Med. Phys. 26, 1999, 905-916. (.pdf 13Kb) |
142. | L. Pollack, M.W. Tate, N.C. Darnton, J.B. Knight, S.M. Gruner, W.A. Eaton, R.H. Austin. Compactness of the denatured state of a fast-folding protein measured by submillisecond small-angle x-ray scattering. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96, 1999, 10115-10117. (.pdf 138Kb) |
141. | G. Rossi, M. Renzi, E.F. Eikenberry, M.W. Tate, D. Bilderback, E. Fontes, R. Wixted, S. Barna, S.M. Gruner. Tests of a prototype pixel array detector for Microsecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction. J. Synchrotron Rad., 6, 1999,1096-1105. (.pdf 439Kb) |
140. | S.L. Barna, M.W. Tate, S.M. Gruner, Eikenberry, E.F. Calibration procedures for CCD x-ray detectors. Rev. Sci. Instr., 70, 1999, 2927-2934. ( 126Kb) |
139. | X. Li, D.J. Hirsh, D. Cabral-Lilly, A. Zirkel, S.M. Gruner, A.S. Janoff, W.R. Perkins. Doxorubicin physical state in solution and inside liposomes loaded via a pH gradient. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1415, 1998, 23-40 (.pdf 3364Kb) |
Other publications available on-line | |
23e. | J. D. Enlowa, R. L. Enlow, K. M. McGrath, M. W. Tate. Modeling liquid crystal bilayer structures with minimal surfaces. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 120, 2004, 1981-1989 (.pdf 531Kb) |
28e. |
Edward J.D. Crossland,
Marleen Kamperman, Mihaela Nedelcu, Catrina Ducati, Ulrich
Wiesner, Detlef M. Smilgies, Gilman E.S. Toombes, Marc A.
Hillmyer, Sabine Ludwigs, Ulrich Steiner, Henry J. Snaith. A bicontinuous double diamond
hybrid solar cell. Nano Lett. 9, 2009, 2807-2812. (pdf 6.4MB). |
30e |
Ti-Yen Lan (2018), Orientation reconstruction
algorithms for x-ray serial diffraction data. PhD.
Thesis, Field of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (.pdf 4.5 MB). Links to codes, tutorial & practice data: https://github.com/tl578/EMC-for-SMX & https://github.com/tl578/EMC-for-SMX/wiki |
000 |
S.M. Gruner, D. Bilderback, M.Tigner (2000). Synchrotron Radiation for the Future. White paper. (.pdf 139Kb) |
11c. | L. Pollack, M. W. Tate, A. C. Finnefrock, C. Kalidas, S. Trotter, N. C. Darnton, L. Lurio, R. H. Austin, C. A. Batt, S. M. Gruner, S. G. J. Mochrie. Observation of Time-Resolved Collapse of a Folding Protein APS Forefront, 2001 (.pdf 280Kb) |
13c. | S.M. Gruner, H. I. Schuette. Two-Sided Soap Molecules Make Soap Bubbles. Ithaca Journal, 1 Sept, 2005. (.pdf 1.84 Mb) |
14c. | S.M. Gruner, P. A. Piroue, R.H. Socolow. George T. Reynolds (Obituary). Physics Today, October 2005. (.pdf 149 kb) |
19f. |
Marcus Collins PhD Thesis.
x-ray crystallography and core hydrophobicity of T4
lysozymes. (2006) (.pdf 6.1
Mb) |
22f. |
Gil Toombes PhD Thesis.
studies of block copolymer and block
copolymer/aluminosilicate materials. (2007) (.pdf
5.3 Mb) |
23f. |
Kim PhD Thesis.
High pressure cryocooling for
macromolecular crystallography (2008) (.pdf 2.6 Mb) |
24f. |
Cornaby PhD Thesis.
Handbook of x-ray
single-bounce monocapillary optics, including optical
design and synchrotron applications. (2008) (.pdf
6.9 Mb) |
25f. |
Schuette PhD Thesis.
A mixed analog and digital
pixel array detector for synchrotron x-ray imaging.
(2008) (.pdf
3.1 Mb) |
26f. |
Ando PhD Thesis.
Biomolecules under high
hydrostatic pressure. (2009) (.pdf 2.4 Mb) |
27f. |
Barstow PhD Thesis.
Direct correlation of protein
structure and function using high-pressure x-ray
crystallography. (2009) (.pdf 9.2 Mb) |
28f. |
Koerner PhD Thesis.
X-ray analog pixel array
detector for single synchrotron bunch time-resolved
imaging. (2010) (.pdf
6.2 MB) |
29f. |
Chen PhD Thesis.
Phase behavior of cardiolipin.
(2012) (pdf
8.6 MB) |
30f |
Sai PhD Thesis.
Structural complexities in
synthethic self-assembling nanomaterials. (2013)
4.8 MB) |
31f |
Robin Baur PhD Thesis.
and application of a grating interferometer at the Cornell
High Energy Synchrotron Source (2013) (pdf 5.3 MB). |
32f |
Katharine Shanks PhD Thesis.
Development of low-noise direct-convesion x-ray area
detectors for protein crystallography. (2014). (pdf
1.52 MB). |
33f |
Jennifer L. Wierman PhD
Thesis. Exploration of methods for serial
microscrystallogrphy at storage ring x-ray sources. (2017) (pdf 6.1
MB) |
34f |
Joel T. Weiss PhD Thesis.
Development of a hihg dynamic range pixel array detector for
synchrotrons and XFELs. (2017) (pdf 4.4 MB) |
35f |
Peter Beaucage PhD Thesis.
Synthetic pathways to
mesostructured superconductors: quantum materials from
block copolymer self-assembly. (2018) (pdf 4.1.
MB) |
36f |
Veronica Pillar PhD Thesis.
Experimental characteristics
of diffuse x-ray scattering in lysozyme crystals.(2019) (pdf 28
MB) |
37f |
Randal Paxton Thedford, Jr. PhD Thesis. Investigating mesostructured superconductors engineered using block copolymer self-assembly (2022) (7.2 MB) |
18c |
Nick Brown Capstone Thesis, Keck X-ray Pixel
Array Detector (PAD) Amplifier Design. Fall 2022, Electrical
and Computer Engineering Dept., SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY.
(2022) (pdf 1.66 MB) |
15i |
Alexander Albert, Characterization of high-Z
pixel array detectors for x-ray imaging at a synchrotron.
Undergraduate Thesis, Dept. of Physics, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853. pdf
2.2 MB |
Other publications available only on paper |