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K.X. Nguyen, Y. Jiang, M.C.
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Tate, C.S. Chang, P. Aguado-Puente, J. Iniguez, F.
Gomez-Ortiz, S.M. Gruner, J. Junquera, L.W. Martin, R.
Ramesh, and D.A. Muller.Transferring orbital angular momentum to an
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Z. Han, A. Mukherjee, A.
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D. Gadkari, K.S. Shanks, H. Hu, H.T. Philipp,
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Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Luigi
Mele, Maurice Peemen, Pleun Dona, Reinout Hartong, Gerard
van Veen, Yu-Tsun Shao, Zhen Chen, Julia Thom-Levy, David A.
Muller, Sol M. Gruner. Very-High Dynamic Range, 10,000 frames/second
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Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T.
Philipp, John T. Weizeorick, Michael Hammer, Mark W.
Tate, Hannah Hu, Prafull Purohit, Jonathan D. Baldwin,
Antonino Miceli, Julia Thom-Levy, and Sol M. Gruner. Characterization
of a Small-Scale Prototype Detector With Wide Dynamic
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Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S.
Shanks, Luigi Mele, Maurice Peemen, Pleun Dona, Reinout
Hartong, Gerard van Veen, Yu-Tsun Shao, Sol M. Gruner,
Julia Thom-Levy, and David A. Muller.Wide
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Fei Yu, R. Thedford, Konrad
Hedderick, Guillaume Freychet, Mikhail Zhernenkov, Lara
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Peter A. Beaucage, R. Bruce van
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R. Paxton Thedford, P. A.
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K. S. Shanks, H. T. Philipp, M.
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for High-Energy Imaging. 2018 IEEE Nuclear
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D. Antonio,J.T. Weiss,K.S. Shanks,J.P.C. Ruff,M. Jaime,A.Saul, T. Swinburne,M. Salamon,K. Shrestha,B. Lavina,D. Koury,S.M.Gruner, D.A.Andersson,C.R.Stanek,T.Durakiewicz,J.L.Smith, Z.Islam&K.Gofryk. Piezomagnetic
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Durgesh Rai, Richard
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D. Gadkari, K.S. Shanks, H.T.
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Katherine S. Shanks, Hugh T. Philipp,
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H.T. Philipp, M. W. Tate, K. S.
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David A. Muller, Zhen Chen, Yi
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Marianne Hromalik, Kevin
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Ethan Susca, Peter Beaucage,
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K. Giewekemeyer, A. Aquila,
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H.T. Philipp, M.W. Tate,
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Jennifer L. Wierman, Olivier
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K. Chatterjee,A.J.Beaudoin,D.C.Pagan,P.A.Shade,H.T.Philipp,M.W. Tate,S.M.Gruner,P.Kenesei,andJ.-S.Park. Intermittent plasticity in
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Yimo Han, Kayla Nguyen, Michael
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Kayla X. Nguyen,
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Zhen Chen, Yi
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Heinz Graafsma, Julian
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