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Sol Gruner, Professor
of Physics, smg26@cornell.edu, Overview Google
Scholar, Narrative
CV, Full
Publications List Divya Gadkari, Graduate Student (with Prof. Julia Thom-Levy), dg669@cornell.edu. web Marianne Hromalik, Visiting Professor, msh@cs.oswego.edu, Detector development. web Becky Jantz, Group Secretary, raj8@cornell.edu. web Marty Novak, Technical Support, mjn16@cornell.edu. web Jonathan Okasinski, Undergraduate student, jo328@cornell.edu Hugh Philipp, Senior Research Associate, htp2@cornell.edu, Detector development. web, web Veronica Pillar, Graduate Student, vdp5@cornell.edu, Protein crystallography. web Prafull Purohit, Research Support Specialist, prafull.purohit@cornell.edu, Detector development, web Durgesh Rai, CHESS Post-doctoral Associate, Pressure effects on biomolecules, web, web Kate Shanks, Research Associate, ksg52@cornell.edu, Detector development, web, web Mark W. Tate, Senior Research Associate, mwt5@cornell.edu, Detector development, lipids, web Paxton Thedford, Graduate Student (Jointly with Wiesner Group), rpt55@cornell.edu, block copolymers, web |
Peter Abbamonte, web Gideon Alon, web Nozomi Ando, web Sandor Barna, web Dan Barry, web1 | web 2 Buz Barstow, web Peter Beaucage. NIST, Gaitherburg, MD, web Julian Becker, web,web Cayce Butler, web Peiyan Cao, pc424@cornell.edu Thomas Caswell, web Yi-fan Chen, web Pascale Chenevier, Pascale.Chenevier@cea.fr, web Hye Won Jamie Chung, hjc25@cornell.edu Brian Collett, web Marcus Collins, web Karen Edler, web Shyamsunder Erramilli, web Adam Finnefrock, web, web Jim Gleeson, web Liana Greer, web Jochen Gutmann, web Paul Harper, web Fred Heberle: web Marianne Hromailk, web Gabrielle Illava, web (in Ando lab) Sarah Keller, web Chae Un Kim, web Greg Kirk, web Lucas Koerner, web Manfred Kriechbaum, web Ti-Yen Lan, web Elizabeth Landrum, web Xuefa Li, web Kate McGrath, web, web Dvora Perahia, web Lois Pollack, web, web Matt Renzi, web Giuseppe Rossi, web Hiroaki Sai, web Daniel R. Schuette, web Chen Shen, shencheny@gmail.com John Shepherd, web Peter So, web Darren Southworth, web Richard Templer, web Gil Toombes, gilman toombes@nih.gov web Dave Turner web Paul Urayama, web Michael E. Wall, web Suntao Wang, web David Weise, web info, web info, web info Joel T. Weiss, Apple, jtw93@cornell.edu Jeney Weirman, web Achim Zirkel, web |